Stories /
The Day of the Rose
This is a script for a comic that I wrote. A friend of mine, Aeon, made the comic and it was amazing but I didn’t save a copy of it and now it’s disappeared from the internet.
Wooden table, with a rose laying in a pool of blood, with the title beside it
-Frame 1-
(D3_breen, hallway beside Breen’s office, looking in through the window at Near looking out)
"Look at this pitiful world, so oblivious to what goes on around them"
-Frame 2-
(^Repeat, Near is holding his hand out)
"They were so trusting of me, gave me so much"
-Frame 3-
(^Repeat, Near's hand is now higher in the air)
"And now they shall all serve me"
-Frame 4-
(Interior hallway, Pwnag3 walking forward)
"Near, The madness ends here, stop this now"
-Frame 5-
(Near, half turned, looking at pwng3)
"Ahhh, Pwnag3 dearest of all my friends..."
-Frame 6-
(Looking at near from pwnag3's angle, Near pointing a pistol at the camera)
"I never thought you were this stupid"
-Frame 7-
(Reverse angle, showing gun firing, and Pwnag3 being hit in the arm)
-Frame 8-
(pwnag3 on his knees)
"Near, how many more will die before you're thirst for power is fulfilled?"
-Frame 9-
(Near pressing the gun against Pwnag3's head)
Near - "As Many as it takes"
-Frame 10-
(^Repeat, gun being fired, blood splatter)
-Frame 11-
(Pwnag3 lying dead on the floor, pool of blood around his head, Near's feet visible at the edge)
-Frame 12-
(Repeat, Black transparent overlay)
GAME OVER in red letters
-Frame 13-
(CS_office, computer monitor with Frame 12 on it, office visible behind)
-Frame 14-
(Showing two computers, Pwnag3 at one, Near at the other)
Near, happy "Woohoo I won, yippy, yays"
Pwnag3, sad "Ohhh, if only I had bought that rifle"
-Frame 15-
(Pwnag3 and Near pointing at each other)
Near, smiling "wanna play again?"
Pwnag3, Smiling "okay, but I want to take over the world this time"